God is so good!

August 15th marked the beginning of my 9th year as your pastor. During that time I have witnessed outstanding spiritual progress as the English-speaking and the Spanish-speaking members of our parish continue to work and pray together more and more. The Lord is glorified by our efforts to recognize one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and sharers in his mission.

Today, even though we have been told that we use very wisely every cent entrusted to us, our parish faces some serious financial challenges. We have been coming up short for the past few years; about $35,000 last year alone.

So much good continues to be done, thanks be to God and to your continued generosity. We pass on to the next generation our Catholic way of life, the teachings of Christ and his Church. Within this past year our parish has provided space for a team of knowledgeable experts who assist others with their questions on immigration. Also this year, we have committed to building a house for a family in Haiti. But all of these wonderful ministries and more are in jeopardy unless we can solve our present financial trouble. Our best solution is to increase our Sunday giving.

Please review the contents of this special brochure. See what you can do to help our parish. Please study the guidelines for giving on page 2. Other parishes have conducted similar programs and have seen Sunday giving increase between 20% and 40%. A special Commitment Sunday will be held the weekend of September 14-15 when each family will be asked to make a prayerful sacrifice and to fill out a Commitment card.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions (630-892-0480 or stmary432@yahoo.com). The boundless goodness of God plus your history of faith and generosity make me confident that St. Mary Parish will meet this new challenge.

Thank you and God bless you.
Father Tim

Click here to view the brochure

Mass/Liturgy Schedule

Saturday: 4:00pm
Sabado: 7:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am
Domingo: 11:00am

Weekdays: Listed in weekly bulletin

Saturday: 2:45-3:30pm

Prayer Chain
If you have a request, please call
the parish office.

Fourth Saturday: 9:00pm - 5:00am